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For a limited time only...

Father's Day Weekend

Father's Day Weekend

Treat Dad this June!

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Our Food and Drink Menus

The pub’s a place that’s filled with all your faves. Family, friends, food, drink and laughs. We believe the food you enjoy and the drinks sip all help make your occasion extra special. That’s why our menus are filled with the very best dishes for everyone to enjoy!

Why not try one of our show stopping burgers or tuck into pub classics, from fish and chips to hunters chicken. Don’t forget to sip, say cheers or wash it all down with your favourite drinks. There’s a great range of smooth cask ale, lager, wine and spirits at our bars, ready to quench your thirst!

So, head on down for satisfying food, drinks and a heartfelt welcome.

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01482 352011

Discover the Priory

Welcome to the Priory in Hull, a family pub that makes everyone feel right at home. We’re located in the west of Hull, offering our customers fantastic pub grub, tasty tipples and first class service. Open our food menu and discover everything from starters to light bites and mains. We also have a special menu for children available. Just fancy a drink? We have cocktails, draught lager, craft beer, cider, wine and soft drinks available. There’s really something on offer for all at the Priory – and this doesn’t stop with our food and drink. We also have live sport and pool tables where friends can enjoy some downtime after a tough day. All this makes us more than just your normal local, so we look forward to welcoming you through our doors very soon.

Discover more about our Pub

Find Us

Priory, 121 Priory Road, Hull, HU5 5RY

Bottle of Prosecco for £12.99 every Friday!

Bottle of Prosecco for £12.99 every Friday! See All Offers


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